Transcription Services For Annual General Meetings: More Than Just Satisfying Requirements
Transcription Services For Annual General Meetings: More Than Just Satisfying Requirements
Billions of dollars in market share can move when public companies hold their Annual General Meeting (AGM). Required each year in Australia, the AGM is how organizations inform the world about their financial health, as well as upcoming major initiatives.
The AGM is essential for updating shareholders, investors, media and the general public about a company’s direction. In addition to the financial bottom line, the AGM is when organizations report on the past year’s key developments and achievements, preview what they’re planning next, and note directors’ remuneration. As well, AGMs are when motions are held, and nominations are made for office bearers (such as chair, treasurer, and board members).
All company members and shareholders are entitled to attend an AGM. That’s just the start of how their critical content is made public, however. Keeping a complete and accurate record is a legal obligation, as stated by the Corporations Act 2011 which requires companies to record their AGM minutes. It reads:
“All companies must keep minutes for general meetings (s 251A). The minutes must record the proceedings and resolutions of the meeting and be included in the minute book within one month of the meeting. The company secretary is responsible for minute taking and the chair is required to sign the minutes. Minute books must be kept at the company’s registered office or principal place of business (s 251A (5)).”
AGM Transcription Is Essential
To fulfill the legal obligation to record AGM meeting minutes, the meeting must be transcribed. Transcripts convert spoken words, video, and audio into text files that can be easily read, giving people complete access to events such as AGM proceedings.
To ensure that highly accurate AGM transcriptions are produced, public companies need experienced providers who understand the space. Ai-Media is an established resource for AGM transcription, providing a full range of transcription services to companies.
Staffed with fast, accurate professional transcriptionists, Ai-Media connects corporate executives, event planners, and marketing teams to transcriptions that meet the highest standards. When they work with Ai-Media, companies have access to transcriptionists with 24/7 global availability, and the ability to complete quick turnarounds.
Affordable transcription services are a priority for organizations of all sizes. When companies choose Ai-Media to caption the video of their AGM, transcripts are included at no extra charge. That makes Ai-Media’s transcription solution a cost-effective and dependable way to meet the legal obligation of providing transcriptions for AGM meeting minutes.
Maximizing Meeting Minutes
The benefits of AGM minutes transcription extend far beyond simply obeying the letter of the law.
As opposed to listening to audio or watching video of a meeting, financial transcription by experienced professionals reduces the chance of misinterpretation, especially when it comes to financial data. A transcription also makes it easier for interested parties to quickly find information that they’re looking for, instead of wading through hours of recorded presentations.
In addition to shareholders and investors who are outside the company, there are many internal uses for meeting transcriptions. Executives, sales, business development, marketing, and PR teams all benefit from accurate transcripts, referencing them often to support their initiatives.
These teams also leverage AGM transcription for numerous outward-facing purposes. Webinars, printed reports, and media kits can all be based on transcribed information. When text has been prepared by professional transcriptionists, corporate teams are confident they’re working from verifiably accurate facts and one source of truth.
Transcription: More Than Meetings
Organizations that host AGMs have many additional needs for transcription services. There are also earnings calls, interim results, financial reports, sales reports and other types of meetings to transcribe. Many of the transcript uses may be only internal, while others are public-facing and can do more than inform.
The value of search engine optimization (SEO) best practices to organizations is higher than ever. It can lead to higher margins, with research showing that inbound leads generated through SEO cost 62% less than outbound leads. Additionally, 57% of B2B marketers surveyed said SEO generates more leads than any other marketing method.
Transcripts are an efficient way to add fresh content to websites. Search engines such as Google tend to reward sites that are frequently updated, while transcripts provide the text they crawl to index content. When content is indexed properly, it ranks higher and attracts more internet traffic.
In addition, transcripts published to a web page contain keywords that boost a website’s ranking. Besides the types of text sources already mentioned, organizations can use transcriptions to make maximum use of video and podcast content. Archived multimedia content can be given new SEO life with published transcripts. This material can also contribute to the creation of blog posts, articles, and eBooks.
By scaling relevant material in this way, organizations build up a large library of searchable content for site visitors. This reinforces their transparency and credibility, while adding to the user experience. Research shows that captions lead to improved audience engagement, and transcriptions have a similar effect. Ai-Media offers extensive translation services into dozens of languages, streamlining multilingual distribution for content localization and greater global reach.
Expanding Content With Transcriptions
AGMs are demanding events that require highly skilled transcription services. Transcriptions for these and many other kinds of financial media must be accurate and efficient for organizations to produce, distribute, and leverage across multiple channels.
Ai-Media’s transcription services provide organizations with an investor-grade transcription solution. Ready to meet the highest standards, Ai-Media transcription services power new possibilities in financial content.